Sunday, June 29, 2014

Saturday 6/28/14

"Small" 3 RFT: 50:06
1k Row
50 Burpees
50 Box Jumps (24")
800m Run

Slow and steady.  Back tightened up on the rows.

Friday 6/27/14

A. 3 RFT: 9:40
400m Run
15 Power Snatches (95#)
30 Double Unders
B1. Back Squat 8x3@245#
B2. Split Jerk 8x2@205-225#
C. For Time: 9:13 I think?
21,15,9 Clean and Jerks (155#)
50 Double Unders

Wednesday 6/25/14

A. Back Squat 6x4@225#
B. Push Press + Push Jerk 7x1+2 165-185-185-195-205-205-215
C. Tabata Airdyne @ 100%

Tuesday 6/24/14

A1. Bench 10-6-4-4-10 195-220-235-245-185
A2. Pullups 5xfail @ 45# 10-10-9-9-9
B1. DB Flies 5x12 40-40-40-40-40
B2. BB Bent Row 5x10 155-165-165-170-175
C. 10 RFT: 11:37
10 C2B Pullups
10 Ring Pushups

Hands were beat up on the metcon. Did sets of 5 nearly the whole time.

Monday 6/23/14

A. Back Squat 5x5@200#
B. EMOTM 20:00-
1-Snatch Pulls x 2 @ 215-225#
2a-BB curls x 10-12 @ 100#
2b-1-2 Rope Climbs (mix legs and legless)
C. 3x15 GHD Situps

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday 6/21

10 Rounds for time:
200m Run
10 Burpee Pullups
:30 rest


Friday 6/20

A. Split Jerk 1RM 255
B. EMOTM 10:00-
2 TnG Power Cleans (215-235#)
5 Box Jumps (32")
C. For Time: 9:46
30 Kipping HSPU
30 Front Rack Lunges (115#)
20 Strict HSPU
20 FR Lunges
10 Parallette HSPU
10 FR Lunges

Did the first 7 parallette HSPU strict and they were really slow.  I then tried them kipping, and they were much easier.

Thursday 6/19

2 Rounds @ 80% -
Run 5:00
Airdyne 5:00
Row 5:00

Airdyne sucks.  Burns my quads

Wednesday 6/18

1RM Back Squat

405, 420F

Tuesday 6/17

A. For Time: 8:13
5-4-3-2-1 Burpee Muscle-Ups
12 Alt DB Snatch (70#)
B1. Ring Dips 5 x fail (35#) 13-8-6-5-5
B2. Pullups 5 x fail (SC2B) 11-9-8-8-8
C1. DB Incline 5x8-12 70-70-70-70-70
C2. DB 1-Arm Row 5x10-12 80-80-80-80-80

Hamstrings and lower back got real fatigued on the metcon

Monday 6/16

A. Back Squat 3x5 (super easy) 185-185-185
B. EMOTM 15:00-
2 TnG Power Snatch (145-165#)
5 Pushups
10 Air Squats
C. 2 sets of 20 UB T2B

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday 6/14

A. 35 Strict HSPU for time 1:55
B. 30:00 max meters on rower DNF

My lower back tightened up real bad 13-14 minutes into the row.  I had to get off to roll it out for a while.  I tried to get back on afterwards, but my back wasn't having it.  Kinda weird

Friday 6/13

A. Back Squat 3RM 365
B. EMOTM 20:00-
1-Snatch Pulls x 3 (205#)
2a-BB Curls x 10-12 (95#)
2b-3 Muscle-Ups + extra dip at the top

Still a bit sore from those wall balls.  I was really sweaty and slipping all over the place on the metcon.

Wednesday 6/11

A. Back Squat 2x5 (easy) 225-225
B. For time: 25:07
50-40-30-20-10 Unbroken Wall Balls
1000-800-600-400-200m Run

Super slow runs (plus several walks).  I guess unbroken wall balls were worth it.

Tuesday 6/10

A1. Bench 10-8-6-4-10 185-200-215-230-175
A2. Pullups 5 x fail (35#) 15-11-10-10-8
B1. DB Fly 5x10 40-40-40-40-40
B2. BB Bent Row 5x12 145-145-145-155-165
C. :30/:30 x 4 rounds:
Ring Dips 24-19-16-15
Hollow Hold 1-1-1-1
Butterflies 24-20-21-19

Felt really good on bench today.  My hands were pretty tender on the butterflies

Monday 6/9

A. Back Squat 5x5 315-315-315-325-335
B. EMOTM 12:00-
odds - 2.2 TnG Power Cleans (215-225#)
evens - 10-12 Weighted Lunges (50# DB's)
20 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press (45-65-85#)
D. 30 GHD Situps

Squats were really tough.  Could have gone heavier on the power cleans and a few more reps on lunges. GHD's felt better

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Saturday 6/7

A. 6x7 CTB Pullups; rest :45
B. 5 Rounds for time: 10:33 I think? I forgot to write it down
10 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps (24")
20 Wall Ball
C. 3 Rounds NFT:
:30 Sorenson Hold
10 Hip Extensions
:20-:30 L-Sit on Parallettes

Friday 6/6

A. Back Squat 5RM 345
B. EMOTM 20:00-
1-Deadlifts (315-345#)
2a-DB Curls x 8-10 (45#)
2b-Slow Diamond Pushups x 15-20

Did deadlifts instead of clean pulls because I tore the skin under my thumb on the snatch workout.

Wednesday 6/4

A. Back Squat 2x5 light 225-275
B. 3 Rounds for time: DNF @ 11:00 (7 snatches into 175#)
12 Power Snatch
9 Overhead Squats
(135# -> 155# -> 175#)

My right shoulder couldn't handle 175# very well.  I could have finished, but I felt it smarter not to so as not to hurt myself.

Tuesday 6/3

A1. Ring Dips 5 x fail (25#) 15-9-7-7-6
A2. Pullups 5 x fail (35#) 11-9-8-6-6
B1: DB Incline 5x15 50-50-50-50-50
B2. DB 1-arm Row 5x8 80-80-80-80-80
C. For Time: 8:11
10 to 1 CTB Pullups
2 to 20 Pushups

I was dead tired.  May have been the heat.  Nearly passed out on the metcon.

Monday 6/2

A. Back Squat 5x5 275-295-315-315-325
B. For Time: 8:42
50 Push Press (135#)
50 Toes to Bar
50 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls (70# KB)

Forearms gave out first on the metcon

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Friday 5/30

A. Back Squat 5x3 (3 sec. pause) 185-225-245-265-275
B. EMOTM 20:00-
1-Snatch Pulls x 3 (205#)
2a-Ring Dips x 20
2b-BB Curls x 10 (95#)

Thursday 5/29

For Time:
Strict HSPU
Front Squats (195#)
Bar-Facing Burpees


Wednesday 5/28

10 RFT:
200m Run
12 Walking Lunges
6 T2B
3 Power Cleans (225#)


Tuesday 5/27

A1. Bench 10-10-6-6-10 165-175-205-205-165
A2. Pullups SC2B 5 x fail 12-10-9-9-10
B1. DB Fly 5x10-12 35-35-35-35-35
B2. BB Bent Row 5x10-12 135-145-145-145-155
C. For Time: 7:08
10 muscle-ups
50 GHD situps
10 muscle-ups