Monday, August 25, 2014

Friday 8/22/14

A. Find a heavy Front Squat in 8 min 325
B. Squat Clean 5x2 TnG @ 225-235
C. AMRAP 7:00- 7+6 WB
10 Wall Ball
30 Double Unders

I had 3 misses on the double unders.  If I were going max speed I may have managed 8 rounds.

Wednesday 8/20/14

A1. 8x1 Snatches from knee w/ blocks @ 165-175
A2. 8x2 Perfect Deadlifts @ 315#
B. 3 Rounds of "The Chief"
3 min AMRAP/1 min rest
3 Power Cleans (135)
6 Pushups
9 Squats

7+6 Pushups
6+1 PC
5+3 Squats

The part that slowed down most on The Chief was actually the squats.  My legs got very fatigued.

Tuesday 8/19/14

A1. Push Press+Strict HSPU; rest :30
10+3 135
8+4 155
6+5 175
4+6 195
A2. Wt Pullups+Strict C2B Pullups; rest :60
5+5 55
4+6 70
3+7 80
2+8 88
B. 3 RFT: 8:30
10 Power Snatch (135)
10 OHS (95)
20 T2B

Couldn't OHS 135 after the shoulder complex, my shoulders were too tight.

Monday 8/18/14

A. Squat Snatch from pockets -> 2 Snatch Balance x 8 95-115-135x6
B. EMOTM 10:00 - 8 DB Hang Squat Cleans (50# dumbbells)
C. 10 x 200m Sprint; 2:00 Rest

I've been burning up lately from the heat.  My recovery felt terrible today.

Friday 8/15/14

A. Squat Clean 2-2-2-2-2 225-245-265-275-285
B. 2 Push Jerk -> 2 Split Jerk x 5 185-195-205-215-235
C. "The Carolinas" For Time: 4:11
10-8-6-4-2 HSPU (6" deficit)
4-8-12-16-20 C2B Pullups

Wednesday 8/13/14

A. Squat Snatch 2-2-2-2-2 165-175-185-195-205x1
B. Heavy 3-rep Sumo Deadlift 345
C. For Time: 10:07
50 cal Row
25 KBS (70)
20 Burpees
25 cal Row
25 KBS (70)
20 Burpees
15 cal Row

Tuesday 8/12/14

A1. 10->1 Shoulder Press (115#)
A2. 1->10 Weighted Pullup (55#)
B. For Time: 9:37
60 Clean and Jerks (135#)
*At the top of every minute, do 5 toes to bar

Monday 8/11/14

A. 15-12-9: 10:11
Thrusters (165#, squat clean first rep)
100m Farmers Carry (85# dumbbells)
B. 4 Rounds: 1:25/14-1:28/11-1:32/8-1:32/9
400m Run and Max Burpees in 2:00
2:00 Rest

Monday, August 11, 2014

Saturday 8/9/14

A. Max Wt Ring Dip 125
B. 400m Sled Drag (160#) 11:09

"Drag" is about right.  I could only pull that heavy thing about 15m at a time.

Friday 8/8/14

Each interval is 2:00, rest 2:00 between each...
1) 250m Row + 10 Thrusters (135) + Max C2B Pullups 20
2) 2 Rds "Cindy" + Max Clean and Jerks (135) 11
3) 20 Burpees + Max OHS (135) 12
4) 12 Sqt Cleans (135) + Max HSPU 17
5) Max Squat Snatch (135) 8
6) 400m Run + Max HPC (135) 5
7) 15 Front Squats (135) + Max Muscle-Ups 5
8) 50 Squats + Max Push Jerk (135) 7
9) 50 BJ (20") + Max Deadlifts (135) 2
10) 25 T2B + Max Hang Power Snatch (135) 5

Ugh.  I was so hot on this one, after the 4th interval everything went downhill.  I felt like I couldn't breath, my skin was so hot.  I was barely sweating, so that wasn't good.  

Thursday 8/7/14

4 Rounds for time @ 205#: 11:59
5 UB Power Cleans
3 UB Squat Cleans
40 Pushups

Pushups got really hard in the last 2 rounds.  The weight felt very challenging on the squat cleans, I can tell I haven't done them in a while.

Wednesday 8/6/14

For Time: 5:04
400m Run
30 Thrusters (115#)
400m Run

Unbroken thrusters.  Runs were 1:40 and 1:50

Tuesday 8/5/14

A. Bench 1RM 300
B. Wt Pullup 1RM 155
C. "Macho Man" EMOTM to failure: 6 + 3 FS
3 Power Cleans (185#)
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks

Macho Man felt incredibly hard.  Maybe because I'm coming off some sickness or because I haven't done front squats or push jerks in a long time.

Monday 8/4/14

A. Wt Lunge 5x12@195#
B. Wall Ball :40/:20 x 4 20-20-20-17
C. 800m Run 3:04
Rest 1:1
600m Run 2:08
Rest 1:1
400m Run 1:28
Rest 1:1
200m Run :34
Rest 2 min
800m Run 3:35

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday 7/29/14

A1. Dips 5xfail (65#) 10-7-6-6-6
A2. Pullups 5xfail (55#) 12-11-9-8-8
B1. DB Incline 3x10@80#
B2. DB 1-Arm Row 3x8 each arm@90#
C. For Time: 7:14
10 Muscle-Ups
50 Toes to Bar
10 Muscle-Ups

I didn't feel very well today.  I got sick later on and didn't work out the rest of the week.

Monday 7/28/14

A. Weighted Lunges 5x10@185-205#
B. 8 Rounds for time: 9:18
3 Strict Deficit HSPU (parallettes)
50m Prowler Push