Monday, May 26, 2014

Friday 5/23

"RJ" 5 Rounds for time:
800m Run
5 Rope Climbs
50 Pushups

I ran into a lot of traffic on the way to the gym so I only had time to complete 3 rounds before I had to do personal training.  I completed 3 rounds in 27:15.  I simply could not figure out the rope climbs, they took forever, and my shoulders were on fire still from the other day.  Afterwards, when Omeed came in, he demonstrated how to properly rope climb.  Now I finally know how to do it right heh I wanted to kick myself after spending all the time/energy doing them wrong.

Thursday 5/22

A. Back Squat 3RM 355
B. EMOTM 20:00-
1-Clean Pull x 3 (275#)
2a-DB Curls x 10-12 (40#)
2b-Band Pressdowns x 20

Squats were super heavy, but my strength is definitely coming back.  My shins are super scraped up and bloody from all the clean and snatch pulls lately.

Wednesday 5/21

A. Run 1 mile, Airdyne 10:00, Run 1 mile
B. Back Squat 2x5 (light) 185-225
C. EMOTM 12:00-
3 TnG Power Snatch (135#)
3 tall Box Jumps (36")

Got a blister on my foot and dead tired from the Z1.  Could not have possible gone heavier than 135 on the EMOTM, I was so beat

Tuesday 5/20

A1. Strict Ring Dips 5 x fail 20-12-12-12-10
A2. Strict Pullups 5 x fail (25#) 12-9-9-7-6
B1. DB Incline 5x10-12 50-50-50-50-50
B2. DB 1-Arm Row 5x8-10 70-70-70-70-70
C. "C2B Pace Test" 1:22 (25) - 3:11 (50) - 4:57 (75) - 6:45 (100)
20 x 5 UB for time
D. "JT" 21-15-9: 8:50
Ring Dips

The pace test felt good except my hands were very raw from yesterday.  I took my sweet time on JT, doing all sets of 4-6.

Monday 5/19

A. Back Squat 5x5; 2:00 rest 275-275-285-295-305
B. EMOTM 12:00-
3 TnG Power Cleans (205#)
5 Box Jumps (30")
C. EMOTM 12:00-
1-Snatch Pull x 3 (185#)
2-Rope Climb x 2 (1 legless, 1 regular)

Part B winded me pretty good, probably because I still had a cold.  Rope climbs were awful, didn't understand the technique yet.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Saturday 5/17/14

EMOTM 20:00-
1-3 Snatch Pulls (185#)
2a-BB Curls x 8-10 (95#)
2b-Bench Dips x fail (max :30)

Could have gone longer than 20 minutes but needed to head out.  Snatch Pulls were all up to my clavicle.  Curls got really heavy.  I did :30 on the dips every time, 35-40 reps each time.

Friday 5/16/14

A. Back Squat 5RM 315
B. 3 Rounds NFT:
20 Strict HSPU
20 BB Lunges (115#)

I probably could get 20# more on the squat.  It was late in the day and my body was dragging.

Went a set of 10 on HSPU, then all 5's after that.

Lunges were just tough because I haven't done them weighted in so long.

Thursday 5/15/14

3 Rounds: (Z1 day)
4:00 Airdyne
10 Wall Ball
10 Overhead Squats (45#)
4:00 Row
10 Squat Snatch
10 Box Jumps
:30 L-Hang

Wednesday 5/14/14

A1. Bench 10-10-6-6-10 135-155-185-195-145
A2. Strict CTB Pullups 5 x max 8-5-7-6-9
B1. DB Flies 5x10-12 30-30-30-30-30
B2. BB Bent Row 5x10-12 135-135-135-135-135
C. Back Squat 2x5 (light) 185-205

Recovering from a cold.  Not a lot of energy